coach- INFERNO

Elise has a love for all things involving movement, she fell in love with lifting after parting ways with dance and has since competed in both CrossFit as well as Olympic Weightlifting. As a coach, Elise believes movement should be enjoyed, she is passionate about creating a safe and inclusive environment with good vibes all around. She believes that community and connection are integral to the FitHouse experience and values the boundless care that the coaches and athletes share with each other. Outside of the gym Elise spends her time hiking, skiing, climbing, or spending time with her dog, Remi. 


  • CF-L1

  • Trauma Informed Care

  • Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (DCS DTCM)


  • Workout Song: Misery Business - Paramore

  • Impactful Book: Talking to Strangers - Malcolm Gladwell

  • Quote: "Connection is why we're here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives" - Brene Brown

  • Healthy Meal: Salad Rolls (cilantro is a must)

  • Treat/Vice: Anything cookie dough

  • WOD/Movement: Split Jerks