coach- BUILT

Santana Blanchette is a CrossFitter, powerlifter, extreme coffee drinker, and Fithouse’s resident meathead. As a coach she’s passionate about helping people get strong, feel confident, find joy in movement, and creating a safe, fun space for all bodies. Having competed locally in Olympic weightlifting and nationally in powerlifting, her specialty is in helping members excel in strength sports.



  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer


Workout Song: Phantom of the Opera –Iron Maiden OR Yo le llego –J Blavin & Bad Bunny

Impactful Book: Mindset -Carol Dweck

Quote: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.”

Healthy Meal: Poke bowls

Treat/Vice: Japanese whiskey

WOD/Movement: Back squats or bar muscle-ups